What is Canine Hydrotherapy?

Controlled aquatic exercise has many benefits to animals from young to old. We tailor sessions to be patient specific, aiming to improve the animals condition and enrich their life.
Types of hydrotherapy include swimming in the pool (non weight bearing exercise ) and walking on the underwater treadmill (semi weight bearing exercise).
The warmth of the water causes blood vessels to expand which increases blood flow, this can speed up the healing process. Hydrotherapy is considered to be a natural anti-inflammatory through its ability to reduce tissue swelling, this can also have a pain relieving affect.
The hydrotherapist will also carry out static exercises whilst in the water to benefit the patient. We will be guided by your vet and your pets specific conditions in order to determine what type of therapy may be most beneficial for your pet. We asses your pet as sessions progress.
Many patients come to us with ongoing medical conditions. We work with you and your vet, as well as other medical professionals where required, with the aim of giving your pet the best possible outcome.
Hydrotherapy is one of the best forms of exercise to aid recovery. It uses every muscle in the body without causing stress on the joints due to the buoyancy of the water.
As the exercise is non-weight bearing it encourages full extension of the limbs giving a greater range of movement and helping to ease stiff and painful joints.
The warmth of the water helps the dog to relax and increases blood circulation this will in turn increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and help flush out waste products.
Conditions Treated With Hydrotherapy
The following list highlights some of the conditions that can benefit from hydrotherapy treatment:
- Pre and post-operative conditioning;
- Hip and elbow dysplasia;
- Arthritis;
- Spinal injuries;
- Spondylitis;
- Cruciate ligament injuries
- CDRM - Chronic Degenerative Radiculomyelopathy;
- Soft tissue injuries;
- Age related conditions;
- Muscle strengthening and restoration;
Hydrotherapy helps improve general fitness and cardiovascular stamina. It improves muscle tone and strength. It also aids recovery after surgery or illness.
The pressure and warmth of the water cause blood vessels to expand, which increases blood flow. This helps speed up the healing process. Hydrotherapy is considered to be a natural anti-inflammatory through its ability to reduce tissue swelling, this can also have a pain relieving affect.
The buoyancy of the water supports the patient, reducing weight bearing and stress through the joints.
The resistance and viscosity of the water improves muscle strength and range of movement as the animal pushes their limbs through the water as they move. It also appears to improve sensory awareness, which is vital for neurological patients.